Women with large breasts may experience neck, back, and shoulder pain, sagging or drooping breasts, poorly fitting clothes, difficulty with movement, and issues with self-consciousness and embarrassment. The size of their breasts may also make it difficult to assess for lumps or masses, thus making cancer detection much more difficult when compared with women with smaller bust sizes.

What is a Breast Reduction?
A breast reduction is a surgical procedure to reduce the size of your breasts. Also known as a reduction mammaplasty, breast reduction is a safe procedure that can help both reduce volume and restore the breast to a more proportionate and pleasing look.
In a breast reduction, excess breast tissue is removed, the nipple-areola complex is repositioned, and the breasts are lifted and reshaped into a more proportionate size and shape.

How does the procedure work?
First off the patient along with the surgeon will will work together to come up with a treatment plan. At Charleston Surgical Arts we will work together together to help you feel comfortable and confident with yourself. On the day of surgery, once you are in the operating room, the proper anesthesia will be administered to you. Your surgeon will make the appropriate incisions to make the areola smaller and remove the excess breast skin and fat. This will be accomplished through surgical excision and/or liposuction, according to your specified treatment plan. After the tissue is removed, the doctor will raise the nipple-areolar complex to a higher position on the breast. Your skin will be tightened by closing the incisions to conform to your new breast contours.

Who needs a Breast Reduction?
• Women
• Age 18 to 65
• Non-smokers
• Generally in good physical health
• Desire or need to cosmetically reduce the size of your breast

During the consultation the surgeon will take the time to get to know you and your goals for your body. Your surgeon will take a series of measurements and discuss your medical history with you to guarantee your treatment plan is the best, safest option for you. We want you to feel confident and well-informed before making any decisions regarding your breasts.

Breast Reduction is needed by women who have larger breasts. Larger breast can cause significant pain, discomfort, and are simply wanting a more pleasing aesthetic look of their breast. You may experience neck, back, shoulder pain, or may need to wear multiple bras in order for the extra support.

Preparing before surgery
Before the surgery, you will need to prepare yourself for it. You need to have a healthy diet and lifestyle to bring all your body parameters to the normal level starting with getting rid of all the bad habits like smoking and drinking and detoxify your body.

You should know!
• Surgery Duration – This surgery can last for 45 minutes to an hour.
• Recovery Time – Each patient will have a different recovery time lasting between 1 to 3 weeks. Do not lift heavy objects or lift your arms above your head for two weeks. Patients with small children may need to seek additional assistance during this time.
• Anesthesia – The surgeons conduct local or general anesthesia to prevent the patient from bearing the pain of the surgery.
• Outpatient – The procedure is done as an outpatient setting. The patient will go home the same day.

After the procedure, you will instantly have the volume and shape of your desired breast. The breasts will be symmetrical as well. Taking it easy for the first few weeks and wearing the special garment will help with your outcome.

Risk Factors
Like other surgeries, the general risk factors exist for breast augmentation surgery. There will be some pain and swelling. Consult with your doctor for more in depth risk.