Are you looking for a subtle yet effective way to enhance your lips and achieve a more youthful and alluring smile? Do you desire a non-surgical option that provides a natural-looking result? At Charleston Surgical Arts, we offer the transformative power of a lip flip procedure to help you achieve the perfect pout.

Introduction to Lip Flip
A lip flip is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that uses injectable treatments to enhance the appearance of the upper lip. This technique involves strategically injecting a small amount of neuromodulator, such as Botox or Dysport, into the muscles around the upper lip. The neuromodulator relaxes these muscles, allowing the lip to roll slightly upward, creating the illusion of fuller and more prominent lips.

Why Choose Us for Your Lip Flip?
Expert Practitioners: Our team of experienced and skilled cosmetic practitioners specializes in lip flip procedures. They possess a deep understanding of facial anatomy and use advanced injection techniques to achieve natural-looking and balanced results. With their expertise, you can trust that your lip flip will be performed with precision and artistry.

Customized Approach: We believe in personalized care and understand that each individual has unique lip shape, structure, and desired outcomes. During your consultation, our practitioners will take the time to understand your goals and expectations. They will recommend the most suitable techniques and customize the treatment to achieve your desired lip flip while maintaining harmony with your other facial features.

Subtle Enhancement: The lip flip technique offers a subtle enhancement, perfect for those seeking a more natural-looking result. By relaxing the muscles around the upper lip, the procedure allows the lips to appear slightly fuller and more defined, without the need for fillers or implants. It is an ideal option for individuals who desire a refined and soft enhancement to their smile.

Quick and Convenient: The lip flip procedure is a quick and convenient treatment that can be completed within a few minutes. With minimal downtime, you can resume your daily activities immediately after the procedure. It offers a convenient solution for those seeking a temporary enhancement without the commitment or recovery associated with surgery.

The Lip Flip Procedure
During a lip flip procedure, our practitioners will begin by applying a topical numbing cream to ensure your comfort. Using a very fine needle, they will make a few strategic injections of a neuromodulator into the muscles around the upper lip. The neuromodulator relaxes these muscles, allowing the upper lip to roll slightly upward, creating the appearance of a fuller and more defined lip.

Recovery and Results
Recovery after a lip flip procedure is minimal, with most patients experiencing mild swelling or bruising that subsides within a few days. Our practitioners will provide you with post-treatment care instructions to ensure a smooth recovery. You will start noticing the effects of the lip flip within a few days, as the muscles relax and the upper lip rolls slightly upward. The results of a lip flip typically last three to four months, and subsequent treatments can be scheduled to maintain the desired outcome.

Schedule Your Consultation Today
If you are ready to achieve a subtle yet effective enhancement to your lips with a lip flip, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our expert practitioners at Charleston Surgical Arts. During this appointment, we will discuss your goals, address any concerns, and guide you through the lip flip process. Let us help you achieve the perfect pout and boost your confidence. Contact us today to take the first step towards a beautifully enhanced smile.